Manufacture Technologies: “Through a determined and adequate process, students can materialize their creativity”


Manufacture Technologies is a theoretical and practical course that belongs to the sixth semester of the specialty of Electronic Engineering, where students acquire knowledge to develop electronic projects. During the theoretical sessions, they learn concepts and criteria regarding the design and fabrication of electronic products, as well as project management methodologies. During the practical sessions, students make use of the acquired knowledge through the development of an electronic project from the initial stages, which include logistical aspects such as the formation of work teams and the presentation of budgets. We conversed with Carlos Eduardo Núñez Del Prado Zárate, PUCP graduate and professor at our School who has been teaching this course since 2004 and currently serves as the general manager of BMM SOUTH AMERICA.

How is the evolution of the course?

To develop the electronic project, students use electronic and industrial design programs, manual techniques for the fabrication of printed circuit boards, traditional workshop tools and modern technology tools for the construction of hardware devices such as a 3D printer and a laser-cutting machine.

One of the most important aspects of the course is that the students design their products with a concept based on user experience, that is to say, that not only does it have to function properly, but also needs to have a hardware that looks appealing, is safe and has ergonomic qualities. For that purpose, Consuelo Cano Gallardo, industrial designer from our education center, has been working with us as a professor, offering students her knowledge of conceptual design.

What are the objectives of the course?

The main objective is to introduce students to the actual processes of development and fabrication of electronic products. By the end of the course, the students will be able to associate the different parts involved in the design and the development of products, and will identify the processes, techniques and logistical aspects of the fabrication of an electronic product.

Do you use any special methodology?

The particular characteristics of the course require a special methodology; the starting point is the adequate synchronization of theoretical and practical sessions.

During the theoretical sessions, I always use real examples, some of them based on my professional experience and others related to technological products in the current market. This has given really good results; the impact on learning is quite good. Furthermore, I encourage student participation: in my class, there are no good or bad comments; every contribution from a student always leads to learning.

With regard to the practical sessions, these have a specific guide that divides the development of the project into stages; students get in groups and each group designs the product based on a concept, therefore, even though every group fabricates the same product, the design is unique in every case. During these sessions, students receive constant assessment from their instructors, who guide them to help them achieve their goals.

In addition, the course includes a capacitation on the use of technology tools for the fabrication of devices, which is given with the collaboration of professionals from the VEO Room of our university.

What are the most important stages of the course during this semester?

I think that every stage of the course is important, because, otherwise, we would not be able to get to the objective or getting a final product, but, logically, the first stage where students develop the conceptual design is critical and it will define the level of difficulty of the next stages of their projects.

What are the most important abilities that students acquire throughout the course?

The course enhances a series of aspects in students, such as abilities for management and teamwork, the capability of associating and specifying the different parts involved in the design and development of products, but, mainly, they prove themselves that, through a determined and adequate process, they can materialize their creativity.