Student Representatives before the School Board


We take advantage of this first meeting of the School Board, which was conducted on July 14, to talk with the Student Representatives of the School of Science and Engineering. They, very enthusiastic, commented on the election process, problem areas, proposals and motivations that could be identified.

Mauricio Briceño – Industrial Engineering

I applied for, because I found out, two weeks before elections, that I could apply for the School Board and it attracted my attention, as I am a person who enjoys serving others. I learned about this opportunity and I felt to be suitable for the position. In this sense, over that week, I began to talk a lot to my classmates about School problem areas and, thus, I discovered many things I could translate into specific work proposals. Mainly, they were the following: looking for more study places for students, struggling to make evaluations be delivered before and inspecting the process of exam and practice writing to avoid students get confused at the time of answering. As a student representative, they will always have a responsible, hard and constant work.

Nikol Cotrina – Industrial Engineering

I always wanted to apply for a student representation position, as I, as student, realized many things could be different and better in our School. The election process seemed to me very interesting because I could meet many people and different perspectives and, also, more problem areas than I expected.

Elva Alavedra – Civil Engineering

I was encouraged because, before, I have hold representation positions in the academic unit of General Science Studies and before the University Assembly. So, after two years as student in the School, I could identify some weaknesses, like, for example, the position of course delegate is not very accepted and I consider much more work could be done with this role, through a better articulation between the professor and the School.

Christoffer Villar – Industrial Engineering

I was motivated to apply for this position when I identified some students’ discomforts. Some of them are the following: infrastructure problems, outlets of the Academic Innovation Complex “Aulario” lecture room, teaching quality, which always has to innovate, application of new technologies in courses. On the other hand, the election process was complicated because it took so much time, particularly, as it coincided with times of internship, but it was very comforting because I heard different proposals of how to improve the School.